While this event is currently open to men only, the entire family and church body can help in many other ways. If you're interested in assisting our brothers as they go out and give comfort to the homeless on the streets of Los Angeles, then first of all we ask that you pray for them. Pray that they are able to effectively spread Jesus' love to those who so desperately need it.

You can also help out even further by donating items for the men to take to the homeless living on the streets of L.A. Below is a list of all the items they need.

  • Bottled water

  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

  • Clothing (socks, jackets, blankets, etc.)

All donations must be dropped off at the Church Office before 5:00PM of the Friday before the event. For directions to the office click here.

For more information please contact Mark Rubio Sr.