Outreach Ministry
The Outreach Ministry has always been an opportunity for our church to reach out to the community in love with the Good News of Jesus to make a lasting impact. For many years we have been reaching out and sharing the truth with the lost in many different formats, from going to the dump in Tijuana, ministering to the homeless in LA Streets, the Community Party Outreaches in Memorial Park, weekly evangelism excursions to the community, and much more.
The newest iteration of the Outreach Ministry will be focusing on reaching the lost and sharing the gospel through music in a public format. Coupled with great bands and one on one interaction with the community in public venues, our desire is to draw people in with music and public concerts in parks and other public areas, while sharing the truth of Salvation in Jesus in a one on one format.
There is a need for servants of all types, and there is room for all believers to assist in this ministry! From prayer teams, flier distribution, transportation and setup, evangelism, security, and others, there is a place for you to serve in this exciting new iteration of the outreach ministry!
For more information please use the form below or contact Mike Buck.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
Romans 1:16
Get Involved:
Please pray for the preparations that are being made, the musicians who will be playing, and the people who will be hearing the gospel. It is our desire to see the Holy Spirit poured out on the servants, and the hearts of the lost convicted to receive Jesus!
Before, during, and after each outreach, there is much to do. Contact Mike Buck to find out how you can help, and for more information.
As with any outreach, there is a need for funds to secure locations, permits, purchase supplies and equipment, and the many other expenses that go into each outreach. If the Lord has blessed you, and you would like to be a part of this ministry through Giving, please give toward the Outreach Fund through our online giving platform or by writing on the memo line of your check (or envelope at church) that the donation is for the Outreach Ministry.
Join us for each event, even if you are not scheduled to serve! The added people will help make others feel more comfortable as well as encourage the musicians who are serving at the time. For the date and time of the next outreach, check out the church calendar or the church eBulletin.
Follow Up
There is always a need to follow up with new believers in Discipleship, Fellowship, and Friendship. As people come to Christ, there will be difficult times and decisions that need to be made, and they will need someone to come along side and minister to them. Contact Mike Buck for more information about how you can be a part of the follow up team.
Want more information? Have a suggestion? Contact Mike Buck or use the form below to send us an email: